Urja Proam


Phosphorus is required by all plants but is limited in soil, creating a problem in agriculture. In many areas’ phosphorus must be added to the soil for extensive plant growth that is desired for the crop production. Grow Urja Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM) is a type of organic fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate. Research indicates that Grow Urja PROM may be a more efficient way of adding phosphorus to soil than applying chemical fertilizers. Other benefits of Grow Urja PROM are that it supplies phosphorus to the second crop planted in a treated area as efficiently as the first.

Phosphate Rich Organic Manure could be a Direct replacement to Chemical Phosphate Fertilizers.

Application: 1 bag instead of 1 bag of DAP or 1 bag instead of 2 bags of Single Super Phosphate


Special features

  • Symbol: P
  • Available to Plant as Ortho Phosphate Ion (HPO4 and H2PO4)

    Phosphate Functions:

  • In photosynthesis and respiration Phosphorus plays major role in energy storage
  • “Building Block” of plant
  • ADP and ATP molecules transfer energy for biochemical processes
  • Seeds have the highest concentration of Phosphorous in a mature plant
  • Phosphorus is required in large quantity in young cells, such as shoots and root tips, where metabolism is high and cell division is fast
  • Phosphorous aids the root development, flower initiation, seed and fruit development
  • Maintains balanced intake of Nitrogen and Potash
  • Phosphorus is involved in formation of oils, sugar, starch etc.
  • Yield deciding factor

Chemical Phosphate Fertilizers:

  • Di-ammonium Phosphate (D.A.P.)
  • Single Super Phosphate (S.S.P.)


  • Fixation means non-availability of given Phosphate
  • Our soils contain salts like:
    • Calcium
    • Aluminium
    • Iron
    • Manganese​
  • These salts unite with Phosphate and become insoluble in water
  • This insoluble phosphate is immovable and is not available to plants Organic matters in the soil is very less this adds to increasing fixation
  • Fixation Percentage in Chemical Fertilizers: 60 -85%
  • In soils with less than 6 pH and more than 7 pH more fixation
  • High fixation in soils with clay contents
  • Very high fixation in soil with low organic matter
  • Micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium and boron are kept away from the plant
  • Productivity is slowly going down
  • The fertility of the soil is decreasing

Phosphate Fixation Problem

  • Because Phosphorus is needed in large quantity during the early stage of the cell division, the initial overall symptom is slow, weak growth and less germination
  • Dark to blue, green coloration of older leaves of the plant. Under severe deficiency purpling of leaves and stem may appear
  • Deficiency of Phosphorous can cause delayed maturity and poor seed and fruit development
  • Low yield

Solutions to overcome the Phosphate Fixation and practical difficulties:

  • Use of F.Y.M. or Green Manure or Maximum Organic matter:
  • Good quality of F.Y.M. or Compost is not easily available
  • Farmers are reluctant use organic matter
  • The cost goes very high

It is a source of Phosphorous in neutral and alkaline soils

  • During composting, a lot of organic acids and Humic substances are produced which results in increases microbial activity
  • This increased microbial activity brings about the solubilization and accounts for 75 % to 90 % Phosphorous solubilized.
  • It contains Organic Carbon up to 10 %, so it can be Soil Rejuvenator
  • Phosphate source for P.R.O.M. production is indigenous Rock Phosphate. Rock phosphate contains Silica in large proportion along with Phosphate. Silica is proving to be an important element for all crops.

Technical Action

  • Multiple molecules are converted into Mono Calcium Phosphate form by the action of our cultures
  • Phosphorus from mono calcium phosphate is released
  • Phosphate which is already in the unavailable form in the soil is also slowly released and gets converted into Phospho-Humate complex
  • Microbial activity of the soil is steadily enhanced
  • About 30% Phosphorus, 4 to 6% Silica and 4 to 6% Calcium is made available immediately and remaining as and when required

Advantages of use

  • Phosphate is yield deciding factor and phosphate is made available to plant
  • About 15 to 30% yield increase
  • Plant become strong, healthy, free from pest and disease
  • Stimulates plant to uptake Ca and Si from soil
  • Provides Micronutrients like Zn, Mg and Cu
  • Rich with Micronutrient Fe
  • Enhanced microbial activity so Soil become live and porous
  • Water holding capacity of soil increases
  • pH of soil becomes neutral 
  • Profuse root development
  • Germination of seeds is triggered
  • More tillers
  • Stems become strong
  • Optimum Girth of stem
  • More number of leaves
  • Extra vegetative growth is avoided

Dosage Per Acre: - For All Crops.

For soil application: -50kg to 100kg 1 Acer.
