Booster Plus

Booster Plus

Booster Plus is formulated from Australian Seaweed and Ascophyllum species which contains more organic matter in solids form with trace elements


  • Booster Plus induces resistance to diseases by catalyzing the enzymatic related actions, which in turn maintains a healthy plant and produce.
  • Booster Plus it is quickly absorbed by the plant and the nutrients are easily
  • Booster Plus it induces more flowering and helps in fruit setting.
  • Booster Plus increase in lateral and white root population and improves the nutrient uptake
  • Booster Plus improves beneficial soil flora and fauna.
  • It improves resistant of plant in abiotic and biotic stress conditions.
  • Its improves the water holding capacity of soil and develop soil texture and structure.
  • Point (It Can Be Mixed With Most Common Used Fertilizers, insecticides Fungicides And Herbicides


  • FOLIAR APPLICATION: 2.5 ml per litre of water
  • DRIP APPLICATION: Ilitre per acer
  • For better results, it is advisable to use 1 to 3 applications.
  • Ist application: Before flowering. 2nd application: At flowering/full bloom.
  • 3rd application: At fruit development stage.
  • 4th application: At 2 weeks after 3rd application.